Holy Week

Hosanna_988Palm Sunday Traditionally the day Christians celebrate Jesus’ “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem. The people welcomed Jesus as a king, raising palm branches and throwing their garments on the street, royally welcoming the king Jesus. They made shouts of Hosanna (meaning, lord save us now!). These shouts of Hosanna quickly turned towards the shouts that cried “Crucify” as people quickly realized that Jesus was a different king than they were expecting. A king like no other. Worship at GLC at 9am (breakfast served at 10:05am).



ELOI_988Maundy Thursday “Maundy” is from the Latin word meaning “mandate” or “command.”  Christ commanded his disciples to “love one another as I have loved you.” Maundy Thursday recalls Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet, his institution of the Lord’s Supper and his betrayal by Judas. On the very night he was betrayed, Jesus instituted a meal of grace, showing his disciples that there is blessedness in brokenness and just as his body would be broken, we would be blessed. Worship at GLC at 7pm.



Easter_Peter-Denial_9882Good Friday Around the world Christians gather on Good Friday to remember Jesus’ death on the cross. In Jerusalem, pilgrims follow the route thought to be taken by Christ, the Via Dolorosa, or way of pain/way of suffering. We remember Jesus’ passion or suffering and remember that it was for us. Worship at GLC at 7pm.





Resurrection_988Easter Sunday The day of resurrection. The day we look to and say “the dead don’t stay dead” and “Christ has triumphed.” Worship at GLC at 8am and 10:00am.





Images by Word Designs by Jim LePage