Whether you attend Sunday morning worship or Wednesday night worship, there are opportunities for you to assist with worship.
Sunday Mornings
On Sunday mornings, there are two primary opportunities in the fall and three in the summer months to help volunteer in worship. Each month we pass around a clipboard where you can sign up to help. After that initial pass around, the clipboard remains on the back table for others to sign-up.
Readers: Each Sunday we have two to three readings that we prefer to have read by a lay person (not the pastor or family minister). The first and second readings are read solo while the Psalm is read responsively with the congregation. The readings are provided for you in advance and on Sunday. If you would like to read, please sign-up on the sign-up sheet under “Reader.”
Communion Assistants: Holy Communion is served every time we worship at Glyndon Lutheran Church. One Sunday a month we receive communion at the rail, while the other Sundays are served at the base of the altar. The pastor and family minister typically pour the wine and bless the children; however we enjoy having two additional servers to distribute the bread.
If you are in 7th grade or older, then you are able to serve as a communion assistant. As a communion assistant, you would break small pieces of bread, giving a piece to each communing person while saying, “the body of Christ, broken for you.” Occasionally we need a third server due to a staff member being gone. At that time, we would ask one person who was comfortable to pour the wine and bless the children using the words, “the blood of Christ, shed for you.” And “Jesus loves you today and always.” respectively.
Ushers (Summer Only): In the summer we also request people to consider helping with the usher position. As an usher we ask that you arrive approximately 15-20 minutes before the service to hand out bulletins and greet people as they enter the sanctuary. Ushers also take count of how many are in worship recording it on the Usher sheet, receive the offering, and direct people forward for communion.
If you have any questions about any of these serving spots on Sunday morning, please talk with the office or Curt.
Wednesday Nights
Opportunities to serve on Wednesday nights are very similar to those on Sunday mornings with the exception of Holy Communion. On Wednesdays we receive communion by a process called intinction. The bread is received and then dipped into a chalice of wine or grape juice. Pastor Mark or Curt will distribute the bread and give the blessings to children, while volunteers hold the wine. The words “the blood of Christ shed for you” are said.
One key difference is that the sign-up for helping on Wednesday nights is not as direct as it is on Sunday. If you are interested in helping on Wednesday nights, please contact TJ or Curt so that they know what capacity you are willing to serve in worship.