3rd Grade Bibles

spark_bibles2As you bring your children to receive the gift of baptism, you are entrusted with responsibilities…
to place in their hands the holy scriptures…

One of the baptismal responsibilities entrusted to parents is to place in their hands the holy scriptures. We’d like to help you with that.

Bibles will be given to 3rd graders in the fall. A postcard will be sent to all families at that time.

The reception of Bibles takes place in two parts, the first during worship and the second in their faith formation time. During the education time, 3rd graders and their parents will have a Bible activity that will help us learn how to read the Bible together. Children are encouraged to read their Bibles everyday with their parent(s) and bring their Bibles to worship every week.

If your child is older than 3rd grade and does not currently have a Bible, please talk to Pastor Kayla or Kris, our Family Minister.