Who we are

Glyndon Lutheran Church has been a community church for over 100 years.

It is our mission to reach out to all generations to nurture faith and help make sense of life in this world.

Children, Youth and Young

It’s hard. To get the kids up and ready and have them sit still for any amount of time, let alone an hour. And for worship?  It is such a foreign thing for kids.  How will you connect them to the faith you’ve been given and cultivated? Better yet, how can the church be a better place for kids and young families as they venture through life in all of its ups and downs?  First know this: God loves disruptions. We welcome them too.  We know that kids and babies don’t use the same words that we use to praise God, but that they add their own shouts and whispers, cries and coos.  And that is good.  Don’t worry about showing up on time or looking your best. All are welcome here, especially young ones.

At Glyndon Lutheran Church we believe that having small children and infants in worship is like having children at the dinner table. They’re here because they are part of the family, not because their manners are perfect. The only way for them to learn how to worship is by doing. So we welcome children of all ages to our worship services.

Learn more about our faith formation.

In the summer…
…children and youth are encouraged to attend summer camp through our partner in ministry, Pathways Bible Camp.
…we offer one week of Vacation Bible School (Ages 3-Kindergarten) concurrent with one week of Day Camp (Grades K-5)
…Sunday worship is at 9:00 a.m.


The 9-5. The daily grind. The mortgage. The bills. The question, is there more than this?

At GLC, come and find:
Balance. Words for life. Nourishment.
Sermons that take serious the challenges that life serves up.
Worship that honors God and helps us to be rooted in meaning and purpose.
Rest. Encouragement. Grace.

The Faithful Generation

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
by Edward Mote

GLC has been served through the years by many faithful generations who are strong in faith and hospitable to the younger generations. Their fidelity to the gospel of Jesus has sustained the church. Their encouragement of younger generations has gifted the church with a great sense of welcome. We give thanks for them.

On Sunday mornings we offer a traditional service with weekly Communion at 9:00 a.m. We also offer a Wednesday night worship service at 6:15 p.m. that is preceded by a meal.

Summer Worship also takes place at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

Each month the Women of the ELCA (WELCA) meet for bible study and fellowship.  Mary Circle meets on the 3rd Tuesday at 7:30 and Esther Circle meets on the 3rd Thursday at 1:00 p.m. Call the office (218) 498-2368 to find out more.

Wherever you are on life’s path, there is a place for you at Glyndon Lutheran!